- censable::fips_2000Counties FIPS 2000
- censable::fips_2010Counties FIPS 2010
- censable::fips_2020Counties FIPS 2020
- censable::mt_countyMontana County Data
- censable::statastata (State Data)
- divseg::de_countyde_county
- divseg::de_tractde_tract
- geomander::checkerboardCheckerboard
- geomander::checkerboard_adjCheckerboard Adjacency
- geomander::nrcsdnrcsd
- geomander::orangeorange
- geomander::precinctsprecincts
- geomander::rocklandrockland
- geomander::townstowns
- geomander::va18subva18sub
- geomander::va_blocksva_blocks
- geomander::va_vtdva_vtd
- ggredist::citiesU.S. Cities
- ggredist::interstatesInsterstate Shapefile
- ggredist::oregonOregon Redistricting File
- PL94171::pl_exPL Example File
- ppmf::ppmf_exExample PPMF Data
- ppmf::racesRace Classifications
- ppmf::statesState Rows
- redist::EPSGEPSG Table
- redist::fl25Florida 25 Precinct Shape File
- redist::fl250Florida 250 Precinct Shape File
- redist::fl25_adjFlorida 25 Precinct File
- redist::fl25_enumAll Partitions of 25 Precincts into 3 Congressional Districts (No Population Constraint)
- redist::fl70Florida 70 Precinct Shape File
- redist::iowaIowa County File
- redistmetrics::nhNew Hampshire Election and Demographic Data
- redistmetrics::nh_mRedistricting Plans for New Hampshire as 'matrix'
- redistmetrics::nh_mapNew Hampshire Election and Demographic Data as a 'redist_map'
- redistmetrics::nh_plansRedistricting Plans for New Hampshire as 'redist_plans'
- wru::state_fipsDataset with FIPS codes for US states
- wru::surnames2000Census Surname List (2000).
- wru::surnames2010Census Surname List (2010).
- wru::votersExample voter file.